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bolder 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bolder, comparative; boldest, superlative;
  1. (of a person, action, or idea) Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous
    • - a bold attempt to solve the crisis
    • - he was the only one bold enough to air his dislike
  2. (of a person or manner) So confident as to suggest a lack of shame or modesty
    • - she tossed him a bold look
  3. (of a color or design) Having a strong or vivid appearance
    • - a coat with bold polka dots
  4. Of a kind of typeface having dark, heavy strokes, used esp. for emphasis

  5. (of a cliff or coastline) Steep or projecting
    • - bold, craggy edges on the lip of the plateau

  1. Bolder is an English surname, and may refer to: * Adam Bolder (born 1980), English footballer * Bob Bolder (born 1958), English footballer * Chris Bolder (born 1982), English footballer * Robert Bolder (1859-1937), English film actor * Trevor Bolder (born 1950), English rock bass guitarist
  2. (Boldest) Boldness is an opposite of being shy. A bold person may be willing to risk shame or rejection in social situations, and willing to bend rules of etiquette or politeness. ...
  3. comparative form of bold: more bold
  4. (v) cigitlеnirgе, tirilеnirgе