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boing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Representing the noise of a compressed spring suddenly released,
  1. Representing the noise of a compressed spring suddenly released

  1. Make such a noise

  1. Such a noise

  1. "Boing!" is the first single of the new album "3 : Fresh - Fri - Fly" of the Danish Hip-Hop band, Nik & Jay. Boing! was a big success in Denmark, they peaked with their first single Boing! at #1 in the Danish Club and the Danish charts.
  2. Boing is a Spanish children's television channel operated by Gestevisión Telecinco.
  3. Boing is an Italian TV channel marketed at children and teenagers, produced and broadcast in Italy by Mediaset and TBSE. It is available on digital terrestrial television and digital satellite television.The French and Spanish versions of Boing also launched.
  4. The sound made by a elastic object (such as a spring) when bouncing; the sound of a bounce; To make a boing sound or bouncing motion
  5. (boed) Barrel of Oil Equivalent / per day
  6. Sound made in my old cartoons when a dog's ears went up. Used most commonly for O'Hora's Dog when he heard the "Gravy Train" coming. Also used whenever one heard a game show bell (correct answer/prize win) or saw a bus. When the dog's ears went down, they made the sound "blunk."
  7. Movie previews usually emphasize scenes by adding sound effects, especially when people are hit in the head.