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bogging 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (bogger) Someone that is associated with or works in bogs; A man who catches so-called nippers or snapping prawns; Someone not from a city; Under other circumstances, those not from The Pale, or not from Dublin; A daring task that children challenge each other to complete; Someone who works ...
  2. (bogged) (of a vehicle) stuck in mud, deep sand, or the like; immobilized
  3. (Bogged) If you are driving a 4WD then your car is probably stuck in the sand or mud. You can also be bogged down in work which means you are very busy.
  4. (bogged) narrng-nga, ngirrk-ga
  5. (Bogger) A vehicle built for running mud. Also another term for an aggressive mud tire.
  6. (Bogger) a small vehicle with a tipping scoop on the front, used in some mines to move opal dirt from the mine face to the mine shaft for transport up to the truck.
  7. Bogging occurs when a vehicle gets stuck in sand or mud and is unable to move due to the resistance of the sand against the tires. ...
  8. Term referring to the low pitch sound of a  bike engine that is not getting full power.
  9. Driving in mud with a vehicle.  There are pros and cons to this, in my mind, mostly cons.  It is a pain in the butt to clean up afterwards and there always seems to be something that gets torn up.