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bobs 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bobbing, present participle; bobbed, past tense; bobbed, past participle; bobs, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cut (someone's hair) in a bob
    • - she tied a headscarf over her bobbed brown hair
  2. Ride on a bobsled

  1. A change of order in bell-ringing

  2. Used in names of change-ringing methods
    • - plain bob
    • - bob minor

  1. The Bobs were dubbed the first "new wave" a cappella group in history when they were founded in San Francisco, California in the early 1980s. Now based in Seattle, Washington, this genre-bending, eccentric vocal group has maintained a healthy cult following in the U.S. ...
  2. The Bobs is an a cappella album by The Bobs, released in 1983. The group's music is sometimes referred to as New Wave A Cappella. The vocal arrangement of "Helter Skelter" was nominated for a Grammy award in 1984.
  3. The Bobs at Riverview Park in Chicago, Illinois is considered by some roller coaster enthusiasts to have been the ultimate wooden roller coaster. It was built in 1924 and was demolished with the rest of the park in 1967. The Bobs was built by Frank Prior and Fredrick Church at a cost of $80,000. ...
  4. The BOBs – Best of the Blogs - is the world’s largest international Weblog competition. Founded in 2004 and sponsored by Deutsche Welle, the German International Broadcasting Service.
  5. That part of the trap usually made of light weight aluminum rods that the Racing Homer pushes against to get into the loft. Normally used for a one way entrance.
  6. 1. “Bob’s your uncle”: a phrase signalling an accomplishment 2. A game like snooker without the smoking, boozing or gambling. 3. One shilling pieces. (one was enough to get into the flicks)
  7. One who is a boba and whos IQ is less than her age Erika Fuckrendo
  8. Botswana Bureau of Standards