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bobolinks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bobolinks, plural;
  1. A North American songbird of the American blackbird family, with a finchlike bill. The male has black, buff, and white plumage

  1. (bobolink) migratory American songbird
  2. The Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, is a small New World blackbird and the only member of genus Dolichonyx.
  3. (Bobolink) is a female Bob-omb with whom Swob was in love with. During this period of his life, Swob wrote, "I want to marry Bobolink in a shocker wedding," on a rock on the fiftieth floor of Rogueport's Pit of 100 Trials. ...
  4. (Bobolink) The horse which Gavin Breckbridge had given to his fiancée Drusilla Hawk in the "Raid" section of The Unvanquished.