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bobbies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bobbies, plural;
  1. A police officer

  1. The police are persons empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civil disorder. Their powers include the legitimized use of force. ...
  2. Nickname given to the Metropolitan Police (founded in 1829) owing to the fact that the man who pushed hardest to create them was Sir Robert Peel.
  3. You know, cops, police. These guys are subdued here—they don't carry guns and they're often extremely polite. For those of you who've never uttered the phrase, a bunch of bobbies will be lining the streets outside Westminster Abbey when the duo tie the knot.
  4. A colloquial term used in reference to British police constables; derived by the public from the first name of Sir Robert Peel, whose efforts led to the creation of the first metropolitan police force in London.
  5. You know, cops, police.