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boats 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boats, plural;
  1. Travel or go in a boat for pleasure
    • - they boated through fjords
    • - she likes to go boating
  2. Transport (someone or something) in a boat in a specified direction
    • - they boated the timber down the lake
  3. (of an angler) Bring a caught fish into a boat

  1. A small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine
    • - a fishing boat
    • - a boat trip
  2. (in general use) A ship of any size

  3. A serving dish in the shape of a boat
    • - a gravy boat

  1. (boat) ride in a boat on water
  2. (boat) a small vessel for travel on water
  3. gravy boat: a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce
  4. Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning "scooped (or hollowed) out".
  5. A boat is a watercraft of modest size designed to float or plane, to provide passage across water. Usually this water will be inland (lakes) or in protected coastal areas. However, boats such as the whaleboat were designed to be operated from a ship in an offshore environment. ...
  6. (BOAT) A byway in the United Kingdom is a minor secondary or tertiary road. In 2000 the legal term 'restricted byway' was introduced to cover roads on which it is possible to travel by any mode (including on foot, bicycle, horse-drawn carriage etc) but not using 'mechanically propelled vehicles'.
  7. (Boat (film)) Boat is a short film directed by David Lynch, released in 2007 on the DVD anthology ''''.
  8. (The Boat (film)) The Boat is a 1921 short comedy film directed and written by and starring Buster Keaton. The International Buster Keaton Society takes its name, The Damfinos, from this film.
  9. (boat) A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind; A full house; One of two possible conformations of cyclohexane rings (the other being chair), shaped ...
  10. (Boat) 1. a device made of high purity temperature resistant materials such as fused silica, quartz, poly Si, or SiC. designed to hold many semiconductor wafers during thermal or other processes; 2. ...
  11. (Boat) Short for Full Boat which means Full House, shorthanded as XXXs full of YYs, such as "Aces full of Jacks" where the hand is AAAJJ.
  12. (Boat) Any Navy ship regardless of size. The aircraft carrier is “THE Boat.”
  13. (Boat) is a term referring to a full house
  14. (boat) a submarine; also what aviators call all ships.
  15. A boat in poker is a term used when a player has a full boat or full house.  This is three cards of same rank and two cards of the same rank.
  16. (Boat) Another name for a full house.
  17. (Boat) Also known as a full house, it is a hand comprised of a pair and three of a kind.
  18. (BOAT) A device holding the incense.
  19. (BOAT) A small open vessel or watercraft.
  20. (BOAT) Any small, deckles craft propelled by oars and/or a small sail, also called skiffs or dinghies; The Pinda, a small ship's boat is a common craft of this type.
  21. (BOAT) Byway open to all traffic.  Usually a track along which the public have rights to walk, ride horses and take motorised vehicles.
  22. (BOAT) Submariners call their craft a "boat" although the modern submarine is big enough to be called a ship. (The Soviet Submarine, Julliett 484, anchored in Providence is over 300 feet long).
  23. (BOAT) although not a precise term, a small floating craft.  DON'T ever say "boat" to a veteran of a large navy ship to refer to a large navy vessel.  They will correct you.  Just remember, a ship has lifeBOATS on it. ...
  24. (BOAT) back pain outcome assessment team; Balloon vs Optimal Atherectomy Trial
  25. (BOAT) small amount of money coming soon; also see SPEEDBOAT, FERRYBOAT and YATCH