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boaters 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boaters, plural;
  1. A flat-topped hardened straw hat with a brim

  2. A person who uses or travels in a boat for pleasure

  1. (boater) a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown
  2. (boater) boatman: someone who drives or rides in a boat
  3. (boating) water travel for pleasure
  4. A boater (also basher, skimmer, cady, katie, somer, or sennit hat) is a kind of hat associated with sailing and boating.
  5. Boating is the leisurely activity of travelling by boat, or the recreational use of a boat whether powerboats, sailboats, or man-powered vessels (such as rowing and paddle boats), focused on the travel itself, as well as sports activities, such as fishing or waterskiing. ...
  6. (Boating (magazine)) Boating is an American enthusiast magazine, published by the Bonnier Corporation.
  7. (Boater) Oval, flat-topped hat with rigid flat brim, typically made of straw braid sailor or a skimmer.
  8. (Boater) Person living or working on a canal boat.
  9. (boater) 19th century man's stiff straw hat with moderately deep, flat-topped crown and straight narrow brim (4)
  10. (Boating) Reeds Lake, reached by Wealthy-Taylor, Wealthy-Scribner, Cherry-Shawmut cars, 25 minutes ride from Monroe St. Grand River, South of Wealthy Ave. an at North Park, which is reached by Wealthy-Taylor cars, 20 minutes ride from Campau Square.
  11. (Boating) on the Thames became the latest craze: in 1888, the year in which Jerome wrote Three Men in a Boat, there were 8,000 registered boats on the river; by the following year there were 12,000.
  12. general term for canallers; also canawlers or steersmen