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boars 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boars, plural; boar, plural;
  1. A tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended

  2. The flesh of the wild boar as food

  3. An uncastrated domestic male pig

  4. The full-grown male of certain other animals, esp. a badger, guinea pig, or hedgehog

  1. wild boar: Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States
  2. (boar) an uncastrated male hog
  3. Wild boar (also wild pig, Sus scrofa) is a species of the pig genus Sus, part of the biological family Suidae. The species includes many subspecies. It is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig, an animal with which it freely hybridises. ...
  4. (Boar (zodiac)) The Pig, or Boar , is the last of the 12 animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Pig is associated with the earthly branch Hai ('''''').
  5. (The boar) The Boar is the student newspaper of the University of Warwick. Since 1973 it has been published weekly in term time, but switched to fortnightly in 2009 after financial troubles. Whilst a society of the Union, the paper is editorially independent. ...
  6. (Boar) An adult male pig that can be used for breeding purposes.
  7. (Boar) or hog, male pig of breeding age.
  8. (BOAR) To dream that you are being chased by a wild pig signifies that you and your lover will separate. Dreaming that you are chasing a boar shows your efforts will amount to nothing. Killing a wild boar indicates advancements.
  9. (BOAR) A vessel used for transporting reflections.
  10. (Boar) A male pig who has not been neutered..
  11. (Boar) A male pig who still has the family jewels – e.g., he has not been castrated. Boars can breed and generally start showing some sexual activity around four months although not strongly until closer to six months. At ten months they generally start to hit their reproductive stride. ...
  12. (Boar) Also termed a Sanglier; always understood to mean a Wild Boar. When said to be Bristled, expresses the hair on the neck and back; Armed, the tusks; Unguled, the hoofs.
  13. (Boar) An uncastrated male swine. In culinary terms, it is the male of a wild boar species found in Europe, Asia, North Africa and the U.S. Young boar is the best eating and is often prepared roasted, grilled, braised, or smoked like ham.
  14. (Boar) Boars are loud, rambunctious, fast, and violent creatures. They are easy to anger and hard to calm down once they are angry. Fortunately, they are fanatically devoted to Aslan and protecting the forest, and so their ire is usually directed in the right places. ...
  15. (Boar) Rushing and butting, using elbows and knees.
  16. (Boar) This is the name for a male pig. An intact male is a boar, a castrated male is called a barrow. Male pigs become sexually active at about 8 to 10 months of age.
  17. (Boar) Wild pig; served both roasted and smoked.
  18. (Boar) a term for a male domestic swine suitable for breeding.
  19. (Boar) an entire male of any age
  20. (Boar) male hog or pig with intact testicles. Boars are primarily used for breeding purposes only, since it is said that testosterone in the system gives the meat a foul taste. ...
  21. (boar) (animal science) A sexually mature male hog.
  22. or wild boar, is an omnivorous, gregarious mammal, Sus scrofa of the biological family Suidae, characterized by large heads with tusks and a distinctive snout with a disk-shaped nose, short necks, relatively small eyes, prominent ears, and a coat that has dense, dark bristles. ...