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boarder 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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boarders, plural;
  1. A person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services

  2. A student who lives at school during the semester in return for payment

  3. A person who boards a ship during or after an attack

  4. A person who takes part in a sport using a board, such as surfing or snowboarding

  1. lodger: a tenant in someone's house
  2. someone who forces their way aboard ship; "stand by to repel boarders"
  3. a pupil who lives at school during term time
  4. (boarding) the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
  5. (Boarding (attack)) Boarding, in its simplest sense, refers to the insertion onto a ship's deck of individuals. ...
  6. (Boarding (horses)) A livery yard or livery stable (Great Britain, Ireland), or boarding stable (Australia, North America) is a stable where horse owners pay a weekly or monthly fee to keep their horses. ...
  7. (Boarding (ice hockey)) Boarding in ice hockey is a penalty called when an offending player violently pushes or checks an opposing player into the boards of the hockey rink when the opposing player is facing the boards. ...
  8. (Boarding (transport)) Boarding is a term to describe the entry of passengers onto a vehicle, usually in public transportation. Boarding starts with entering the vehicle and ends with the seating of each passenger and closure of the doors. ...
  9. (boarding) Entering a transit vehicle.
  10. (Boarding) Violently checking an opponent into the boards (illegal).
  11. (BOARDING) Agistment is $4.00 a day which includes grain with minerals daily, high quality orchard grass hay, worming as needed, and daily monitoring. Alpacas are in the field to romp but brought into the paddock and barn at night. ...
  12. (9.3 Boarding) Boarding will begin 30 minutes before takeoff. The boarding gate will close 10 minutes before the flight departs. The Carrier reserves the right to cancel seat assignation and bookings of Passengers who do not embark at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled departure time. ...
  13. (BOARDING) Process applied to hosiery to improve final presentation. Usually carried out after dyeing when tights are pulled over plastic forms (originally made of wood) and subject to pressure and steam. ...
  14. (Boarding) A full-shaped heat setting operation in which stockings are put on metal leg form for a specific size and shape and then pressure set at a high temperature. The term "boarding" stems from the olden days when wooden boards were used to dry stockings.
  15. (Boarding) A process of finishing a side or skin by folding it with the grain side in and rubbing the surface together under pressure. Gives a distinct look, and creates "box" look when done two ways and "willow" when done only in one direction. (6)
  16. (Boarding) A process used in tanning to accentuate the natural grain of hides, in which the surface of a softened leather is lightly creased by folding grain to grain and then working the fold to and fro across the leather
  17. (Boarding) An animal service, which may include hobby kennel, kennel, veterinary, or pet day care uses. (Ord. 5876, 5-18-09, § 36)
  18. (Boarding) Crew and/or passengers entering an aircraft prior to flight.
  19. (Boarding) Entering an enemy's Ship by force. These men are called Boarders.
  20. (Boarding) Keeping a horse at a place other than the owner’s home or property. A boarding stable often offers a stall and/or paddock as well as other amenities, such as feeding, turning out, and blanketing.
  21. (Boarding) Pass - Usually a printed permit or pass to board a plane, or other form of transportation.
  22. (Boarding) Refers to (illegally!) propelling a member of the opposing team into the boards bordering the rink.
  23. (boarding) when you are boarding someone, you are giving that person a place to live for a while.
  24. An occupant who shares your house, pays rent and receives some services from you, such as cooking or cleaning.
  25. Informal name given to a boarding student.