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blurted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blurts, 3rd person singular present; blurting, present participle; blurted, past tense; blurted, past participle;
  1. Say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration
    • - she wouldn't blurt out words she did not mean
    • - “It wasn't my idea,” Gordon blurted

  1. (blurting) Foul: locking broom handles with another player to pull him or her off course (QA6).
  2. (Blurting) An unnaturally rapid answer or response, usually a parroted answer or a false proclamation. As a symptom, blurting is frequently seen in people with ADD, wherein it is seen as an attempt to mentally respond to questions at the same rate as mind first people.