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bluestocking 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bluestockings, plural;
  1. An intellectual or literary woman

  1. a woman having literary or intellectual interests
  2. The term bluestocking (or bluestockinger) refers most commonly to members of the Blue Stockings Society - a literary society led by Elizabeth Montagu and others in the 1750s in England. ...
  3. (Bluestockings (bookstore)) Bluestockings is an infoshop (activist bookstore and café) in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Collectively run by volunteers and a worker-owner collective, Bluestockings is Manhattan's only women's bookstore. ...
  4. A scholarly, literary, or cultured woman
  5. (Bluestockings) n., a woman's term for unfulfilled sexual arousal.
  6. a female intellectual / writer, or a member of the 18th century Blue Stocking Society which encouraged female education.
  7. An Educated, or bookish woman.