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bluenoses 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bluenoses, plural;
  1. A priggish or puritanical person
    • - the most restrictive, bluenose standards
  2. A person from Nova Scotia

  1. (bluenose) Nova Scotian: a native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia
  2. Bluenose was a Canadian fishing and racing schooner from Nova Scotia built in 1921. She was later commemorated by a replica Bluenose II built in 1963. ...
  3. (Bluenose (postage stamp)) The Bluenose is the nickname for a 50-cent definitive postage stamp issued by the Canadian Post Office on 8 January 1929 as part of the King George V "Scroll Issue”. Scott number is 158 with a perforation of 12. ...
  4. (Bluenose(tugs)) The following is a list of fictional characters in the children's television series, TUGS. All of these characters played supporting roles to the series' main characters' in the fictional harbour of Bigg City Port.
  5. (bluenose) A prude; A nickname for a person from Nova Scotia, Canada; A nickname for a follower of Everton Football Club
  6. (Bluenose) an excessively puritanical person, a prude, Creator of "the Blue Nozzle Curse."
  7. (Bluenose) Hyperoglyphe antarctica
  8. (Bluenose) (Canada) a person from Nova Scotia. Often used with pride by residents of this province. [either named (a) for a famous schooner originating from said province, (b) the name of a potato with a blue protuberance, or (c) to Scots Presbyterians referred to as "true blue" in the 17th ...
  9. (Bluenose) Classic Canadian stamp issued in 1929, and generally considered the most beautiful Canadian stamp ever produced, with the perfect combination of design, engraving, and color. I think it is one of the most beautiful worldwide.
  10. (blue-nose) a person who tries to impose a strict moral code on others.