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A bluish-green grass that was introduced into North America from northern Europe. It is widely grown for fodder, esp. in Kentucky and Virginia,
  1. A bluish-green grass that was introduced into North America from northern Europe. It is widely grown for fodder, esp. in Kentucky and Virginia

  2. A kind of country music influenced by jazz and blues and characterized by virtuosic playing of banjos and guitars and high-pitched, close-harmony vocals

  1. any of various grasses of the genus Poa
  2. an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
  3. a type of country music played at a rapid tempo on banjos and guitars
  4. Poa is a genus of about 500 species of grasses, native to the temperate regions of both hemispheres. Common names include meadow-grass (mainly Europe and Asia), bluegrass (mainly North America), tussock (some New Zealand species), and speargrass. 'Poa' is Greek for fodder.
  5. Bluegrass music is a form of American roots music, and is a sub-genre of country music. It has roots in Scottish, English , Welsh and Irish traditional music. ...
  6. Bluegrass was a Bluegrass music satellite radio channel on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 65 and DISH Network channel 6065
  7. generally regarded as a variant of country music, it is in fact a broad-based hybrid including old-time country and string-band music; British folk songs that survived in Appalachia; improvisation and syncopation, reflecting the influence of blues and jazz; African folk roots, in that the banjo ...
  8. An early form of country music that combines the gospel-tinged vocals of the Blue Ridge Mountain region with folk melodies. Instrumentation generally includes guitars, banjos, mandolins and fiddles.
  9. a style of music featuring folk instruments; quite rhythmical.
  10. A type of music that comes from Kentucky where the grass is a blue green color. Kentucky is also called the Bluegrass state. Blue grass music is also called Hillbilly Music or Old Time Country.
  11. Style modeled on that of the early acoustic string bands; probably the original "alternative country" music.
  12. A style of country music that combines a return to the rural, folk traditions of hillbilly music and the urban, commercial music that is part of our national, popular culture. ...