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bludgeon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bludgeons, plural;
  1. Beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object

  2. Force or bully (someone) to do something
    • - she was determined not to be bludgeoned into submission
  3. Make one's way by brute force

  1. A thick stick with a heavy end, used as a weapon
    • - a rhetorical bludgeon in the war against liberalism

  1. a club used as a weapon
  2. overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club; "The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas"
  3. club: strike with a club or a bludgeon
  4. Bludgeon is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. For trademark reasons, he is now marketed by Hasbro as Decepticon Bludgeon. They are all Decepticon warriors who turn into tanks.
  5. A club (also known as cudgel, baton, truncheon, night stick or bludgeon) is among the simplest of all weapons. A club is essentially a short staff, or stick, usually made of wood, and wielded as a weapon.
  6. A short, heavy club, often of wood, which is thicker or loaded at one end; To strike or hit with something hard, usually on the head; to club; To coerce someone, as if with a bludgeon