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blowtorch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blowtorches, plural;
  1. A portable device producing a hot flame that is directed onto a surface, typically to solder metal

  1. a burner that mixes air and gas to produce a very hot flame
  2. A blowtorch (US), blow torch (US), or blowlamp (UK) is a tool for applying lower-intensity and more diffuse flame and heat for various applications, than the oxyacetylene torch. Before aerosol cans and pressurized gas cylinders, fuel was pressurized by a syringe or pump. ...
  3. Blowtorch is a character from the toyline, comic books and cartoon series of the 1980s. He is the G.I. Joe team's original Flamethrower and debuted in 1984.
  4. A clear-channel station is an AM band broadcast station in the Americas that enjoys the highest protection from interference from other stations, particularly concerning night-time skywave propagation. ...
  5. 1) web server. 2) transmitter of any type
  6. A small, portable, gas-fired burner that generates a flame hot enough to melt soft metals. A blowtorch is used to melt lead in plumbing operations, heat soldering irons, and burn off paint.
  7. You don’t absolutely need a blowtorch, but it’s fun to have on hand when you are making the sugar topping on a crème brulee or when you have a meringue you want to color. ...
  8. (AmE cant) Jet fighter aircraft.