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blowhole 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blowholes, plural;
  1. A hole for blowing or breathing through, in particular

  2. The nostril of a whale on the top of its head

  3. A hole in ice to which seals, whales, and other aquatic animals come to breathe

  4. A vent for air or smoke in a tunnel or other structure

  5. A cavity in a metal casting, produced by the escape of air through the liquid metal

  1. the spiracle of a cetacean located far back on the skull
  2. vent: a hole for the escape of gas or air
  3. In biology, a blowhole is the hole at the top of a cetacean's head through which the animal breathes air. It is homologous with the nostril of other mammals. As whales reach the water surface to breathe, they will forcefully expel air through the blowhole. ...
  4. In geology, a blowhole is formed as sea caves grow landwards and upwards into vertical shafts and expose themselves towards the surface, which can result in quite spectacular blasts of water from the top of the blowhole if the geometry of the cave and blowhole and state of the weather are ...
  5. The spiracle, on the top of the head, through which cetaceans breath; A vent for the escape of gas; A top-facing opening to a cavity in the ground very near an ocean's shore, that leads to a marine cave from which wave water and/or bursts of air are expelled; An unintended cavity filled with air ...
  6. (Blowholes) Nostrils on the top of a whale's head used to blowout stale air from the whale's lungs.
  7. In cetaceans, the single or paired respiratory opening.
  8. A gas-filled cavity in a solid metal. Usually formed by the trapping of bubbles of gas evolved during solidification, but may also be caused by steam generated at the mold surface, air entrapped by the incoming metal, or gas given off by inflammable mold dressing.
  9. A nostril opening on the top of the head of cetaceans (whales, porpoises, dolphins).
  10. A casting defect caused by trapped steam or gas.
  11. The external nares in cetaceans. Cetaceans are air-breathing mammals, and when they surface, they tend to explosively exhale, which is a "blow".
  12. aperture in the roof of a sea cave through which waves force compressed air and spray  (P)
  13. An opening at the top of a kiln to let out heat and facilitate cooling, or to let out steam during the early part of firing. (1)
  14. opening to the lungs of a whale, similar to human nostrils.
  15. A hole in a casting or a weld caused by gas entrapped during solidification. See also porosity .
  16. In concrete, a bug hole or small regular or irregular cavity, not exceeding 15 mm in diameter, resulting from entrapment of air bubbles in the surface of formed concrete during placement and compaction.
  17. A cavity which was produced during the solidification of metal by evolved gas, which in failing to escape is held in pockets.
  18. small cavity caused by air pockets trapped in the surface of cast concrete
  19. The nasal opening (s) of whales.