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bloomer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bloomers, plural;
  1. A serious or stupid mistake

  1. a flower that blooms in a particular way; "a night bloomer"
  2. blunder: an embarrassing mistake
  3. (bloomers) underpants worn by women; "she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing"
  4. (Bloomers (clothing)) Bloomers is a word which has been applied to several types of divided women's garments for the lower body at various times.
  5. (Bloomers (television)) Bloomers was a short-lived British sitcom starring Richard Beckinsale that was aired in 1979. ...
  6. (Bloomers) Feminine underwear consisting of loose fitting trousers or shorts.
  7. (BLOOMERS) loose ORiental trousers gathered at knee, first made popular by Amelia Bloomer in 1851.
  8. (Bloomers) Shorts that you wear under your school or solo dress, that match the underskirt.
  9. (Bloomers) This is a garment that is underpants with short legs, like hot pants.
  10. (bloomers) loose-fitting pants gathered at the knee or the ankle, worn by women and girls
  11. (bloomers) underpants with loose legs gathered at the bottom, around knee length. In 1851, Amelia Bloomer designed them to promote dress reform for women, but they gained little acceptance. bloomers became popular as specialized clothing worn for athletics and bicycle riding in the 1880's. ...
  12. (in  Amelia Jenks Bloomer (American social reformer))
  13. English name for a long loaf with rounded ends, slashed diagonally in evenly spaced deepish cuts just before baking. The shape is common to most European countries (it is known in France as bâtard). ...
  14. produced iron from ore, a bloom smithy
  15. alternate term for a Bloom Smith, who processed iron ore.
  16. A person who smokes Shadow Bloom. Bloomers tend to be gaunt, and have fingers and teeth stained yellow by the resin left by the smoke of Shadow Bloom. Short term effects include euphoria, the inability to feel fear, worry, or need. Long term effects include erratic mood swings and madness. ...