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bloodstones, plural;
  1. A type of green chalcedony spotted or streaked with red, used as a gemstone

  1. green chalcedony with red spots that resemble blood
  2. Bloodstone is a 1988 American adventure comedy movie directed by Dwight Little and written by Greek director Nico Mastorakis starring Brett Stimely, Rajnikanth and Anna Nicholas. The movie was filmed in south India, the story revolving around a mythical ruby called the Bloodstone.
  3. Bloodstone is a 2009 American horror film written, directed, and produced by James Ian Mair. The film stars James Ian Mair, Dan Turpen, Virgil Franklin, Cassie Hauser, James Stevenson, Martha Lee, Abram Beck, Joyce Turpen and several others. ...
  4. Bloodstone is a former American R&B, soul, and funk group, most popular in the 1970s and early 1980s. The band charted 13 songs between 1973 and 1984.
  5. Bloodstone, in comics, may refer to: *The Bloodstone or the Bloodstone Gem, a Marvel Comics fictional mystical gem from which the other Bloodstones in Marvel derive their name from
  6. Bloodstone is a gorgeous gemstone of deep forest green with tiny speckles of bright red scattered throughout. See bloodstone jewelry on Amazon
  7. March's natural birthstone. Dark green jasper with red spots and patches.
  8. (stimulates flow of energy, heals blood circulation problems, promotes courage, renewal, enhances creativity, encourages unselfishness)
  9. The stone of relations or inherited traits. The 2nd of 36 stones that make up the Spiritual Wheel of Life. This is the stone of genetics in modern day terms. ...
  10. is also called heliotrope and an inexpensive type of chalcedony that is green with red highlights (caused by iron oxide). It is a dark-green variety of chalcedony (quartz) dotted with nodules of bright-red jasper. ...
  11. a dark green stone of chalcedony, a crypto crystalline silica or quartz, with bright red spots of jasper throughout. When polished, the red spots give it the resemblance of drops of blood. ...
  12. A magickal stone whose qualities are that of creativity, vitality, energy, and knowledge.
  13. Has been used in the treatment of the spleen and to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines and liver. It can neutralize the toxins within the body and can provide elimination* of the same. ...
  14. Bloodstone is a soft green jasper mottled with red spots from iron oxide. A type of chalcedony it is also known as Heliotrope. Bloodstone is a relatively soft stone and is one of the ancient birthstones for February or March
  15. is also known as heliotrope and is a form of chalcedony.  The red inclusions in this green stone are caused by iron oxide.  This stone use to be treasured in ancient times and was believed to have been formed when the blood of Christ stained jasper below the cross. ...
  16. Green chalcedony with blood-like flecks of red jasper
  17. crystal healing power: (Heliotrope) Dark green / red flecks. This healing crystal was used in ancient Egypt and Atlantis for calming, grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth. ...
  18. An intense healing stone. Good for heart problems; cleanses blood; increases courage. Heals anemia; soothes menstrual pain; works on blood, eyes, heart, kidneys, liver, liver, lungs, and skin. Associated with the first, second and fourth chakras.
  19. The ultimate companion of tequila. A formula based on orange juice and red chilies.
  20. A bloodstone has also been used, using a standard, to measure the purity of a wizard or witch's blood. The standard commonly used is the blood of an Ancient-Blood Wizard Family. ...
  21. Strengthens and oxygenates blood stream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing vitamin deficiencies. Reduces emotional and mental stress. "The Stone of Courage" - also for renewal of the physical mental and emotional bodies. ...
  22. Bloodstone is an opaque Chalcedony with red spots. The spots in the stone are caused by iron oxide. An old name for bloodstone that is still used in parts of Europe is 'Heliotrope'. It is mainly used for ornamental objects. ...