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blocking 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The action or process of obstructing movement, progress, or activity, in particular,
  1. The action or process of obstructing movement, progress, or activity, in particular

  2. Obstructing or impeding the actions of an opponent in a game, esp. (in ball sports) one who does not have control of the ball

  3. The sudden halting of the flow of thought or speech, as a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorder

  4. Failure to recall or consider an unpleasant memory or train of thought

  5. The grouping or treatment of things (e.g., items of data or shades of color) in blocks

  6. The physical arrangement of actors on a stage or movie set

  1. the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements
  2. (blocked) closed to traffic; "the repaving results in many blocked streets"
  3. (blocked) completely obstructed or closed off; "the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges"; "the drain was plugged"
  4. In American football, blocking is a legal move occurring when one player obstructs another player's path with his body. The purpose of blocking is to prevent defensive players tackling the ball carrier, or to protect the quarterback while attempting to pass or hand-off the ball. ...
  5. Blocking is an animation technique in which key poses are created to establish timing and placement of characters and props in a given scene or shot. Blocking is most commonly used in 3D computer animation.
  6. Blocking occurs when a function does not return until it either completes its task or results in an error.
  7. In construction blocking refers to pieces of wood or other material that run between wall studs in order to provide support and attachment sites for mounted hardware such as cabinets, shelving, or bathroom towel bars.
  8. Blocking or denial is a term used in theatrical improvisation to describe an act of not accepting the world that has been set up, or of refusing to develop an action that another performer has 'offered'.
  9. In martial arts, blocking is the act of stopping or deflecting an opponent's attack for the purpose of preventing injurious contact with the body. A block usually consists of placing a limb across the line of the attack.
  10. (blocked) obstructed impeding general movement; obstructed impeding total flow in a pipe, etc
  11. (Blocked) (Adjective) If a suit is divided between partners in such a way that the hand with the shorter holding has only high cards, the suit cannot be run without an entry in another suit; it is then said to be blocked. ...
  12. (Blocked) A system message which indicates that a roster transaction will NOT be processed by the system during the pay compute.  More information about blocked transactions can be found in the PTR Manual, Section C3.2.
  13. (Blocked) A technique of decorating bindings in which a design or picture is stamped into the leather cover by a block, into which the image has been carved or incised.
  14. (Blocked) An author has the right to assign a “blocked” status to another member. The blocked member may rank the author’s stories but may not post reviews on them or post messages for the member/author.  Any existing messages or reviews will disappear when the member is blocked. ...
  15. (Blocked) Hotel rooms held without deposit
  16. (Blocked) Leather preshaped by the moulding operation.
  17. (Blocked) Muscle contractions can create rigidity in horses which impairs function and elasticity.
  18. (Blocked) One of several statuses that a .eu domain name can have. For more information see the WHOIS status page.
  19. (Blocked) Term used synonymously with backing (q.v.).   verb form: To block; the act of placing a flag on its backing.
  20. (Blocked) Term used to describe a shot in which the golfer fails to rotate the club head causing the shot to start right of the intended target for right handed golfers.
  21. (Blocked) The non-conducting condition of the main and/or bypass valves of the HVDC system.
  22. (Blocked) This action removes the room from the bank of rooms available for allocation by reception staff to arriving guests.
  23. (Blocked) Used when a horse tries to make a move during the race and has no room to run due to the fact that there are horses in front of him. Generally, when horses are blocked, they have to be steadied and those two comments commonly are usedtogether.
  24. (Blocked) When there are no moves available and you are stuck.
  25. (Blocked) having large, unattached boulders in its opening.