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blockhead 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blockheads, plural;
  1. A stupid person

  1. dunce: a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence
  2. Blockhead! is a game invented in 1952 by G.W. "Jerry" D'Arcey and developed by G.W. and Alice D'Arcey in San Jose, California. Originally consisting of 20 brightly colored wooden blocks of varying shapes, the object of the game is to add blocks to a tower without having it collapse on your turn.
  3. Blockhead is the name of a theoretical computer system invented as part of a thought experiment by philosopher Ned Block, which appeared in a paper entitled Psychologism and Behaviourism. ...
  4. Blockhead (born Anthony "Tony" Simon) is an American Hip hop producer based in Manhattan, New York. Aside from his solo efforts released on the Ninja Tune label, he is most associated with producing for Aesop Rock, a rapper for the Definitive Jux independent hip hop label. ...
  5. (Blockheads (band)) Blockheads are a French grindcore band.
  6. (Blockheads (Gumby)) Gumby is a green clay humanoid figure who was the subject of a 233-episode series of American television which spanned over a 35-year period. He was animated using stop motion clay animation.
  7. (The Blockheads) Ian Robins Dury (12 May 1942 – 27 March 2000) was an English rock and roll singer, lyricist, bandleader and actor who initially rose to fame during the late 1970s, during the punk and New Wave era of rock music. ...
  8. n.s. [from block and head.] A stupid fellow; a dolt; a man without parts.
  9. Harley Davidson engine produced between 1984 and 2000.
  10. The Evolution® engine (V-Twin, produced from 1984 - 2000)
  11. Harley-Davidson's innovative Evolution® V-Twin engine.
  12. Pounding a large nail into the nostril