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blockages 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blockages, plural;
  1. An obstruction that makes movement or flow difficult or impossible
    • - a blockage in the pipes
    • - the pumps are prone to blockage

  1. (blockage) obstruction: the physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction
  2. (blockage) an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
  3. (blockage) the act of blocking
  4. (Blockage) Callers blocked from entering a queue. See Blocked Call.
  5. (Blockage) A discount applied to a value to reflect the depressive effect on value caused by the sudden offering for sale of a large number of identical or very similar items at the same time. ...
  6. (BLOCKAGE) This is something that obstructs movement through a pipe or channel, such as the tear duct systems of the eye.
  7. (Blockage) A simple and most common method of reversing the Sharpshooter - the opponent would block the wrestler's foot when trying to perform the sharpshooter.
  8. (Blockage) Any obstruction in the digestive or urinary tract. Symptoms include: pain, little or no output from the stoma for several hours, nausea, and sometimes fever. If the blockage doesn't shift within a few hours, medical advice is needed.
  9. (Blockage) Congestion of an area of the body that may ache, be tense, or feel numb.
  10. (Blockage) The number of calls out of 100 attempts that meet delays in finding access.
  11. (blockage) STUCK, PREVENT (FLOW or MOVE).
  12. Stuck energy patterns which keep our hearts from expanding to a new level of openness. Blockages around the edges of our heart limit us from a deeper experience of the True Joy. ...
  13. the issues or events that enter our space and create an off-balance situation to assist our learning.