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bloating 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bloating, present participle; bloated, past participle; bloats, 3rd person singular present; bloated, past tense;
  1. Cure (a herring) by salting and smoking it lightly

  1. Bloating is any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. As a symptom, the patient feels a full and tight abdomen, which may cause abdominal pain sometimes accompanied by increased borborygmus or more seriously the total lack of borborygmus.
  2. (bloated) Swollen with fluid or gas; Excessively or extremely large or wealthy; Describing software which is overloaded with features, known as bloatware; Slightly salted and lightly smoked (as in bloated herring)
  3. (Bloated) Excessive mid-bass around 250 Hz. Poorly damped low frequencies, low-frequency resonances. See tubby.
  4. (Bloated) sensation of feeling full in the stomach or abdomen and must be differentiated from distension which is visible enlargement of the abdomen.
  5. (Bloated) the look of muscles with too much water and / or fats.
  6. (bloated) 1) When describing a phantom image: excessively wide. 2) When describing sound in general: overly rich, warm, and reverberant.
  7. (bloated) much larger than normal
  8. (bloated) swollen, as in certain lightweight aggregates as a result of processing.
  9. fullness or swelling in the abdomen that often occurs after meals.
  10. A damaged, swollen processed food can or glass container, which may indicate contamination, a safety hazard.
  11. A swelling or expansion of body due to (a) over firing or irregular firing, (b) carbon trapped within a vitreous body, it's appearance is of a bubble formation within the body.
  12. Firing defect where blisters form within claybody, raising large lumps on the surface.  Caused by expansion of gases within clay, as a result of excessive early reduction (trapped carbon - carbon coring), excessively fast bisque-firing (trapped carbon and sulfur), or over-firing (volatization of ...
  13. The permanent swelling of a ceramic article during firing caused by the evolution of gases. (W)
  14. A swelling or feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Bloating is usually the result of gas in the intestines and can be caused by many things, including overeating, lactose intolerance, and constipation. Bloating can also be a side effect of cancer or cancer treatment.
  15. Painful temporary increase in volume within the abdomen due to the presence of gas.
  16. Blistering of the clay body caused by trapped gasses. (2)
  17. Bloating is the ability to increase one's pool size either repeatedly or by large amounts. Examples for bloating are playing Minion Tap/Villein for four blood or more, repeatedly hunting with a vampire who has a Blood Doll/Vessel, or playing Govern the Unaligned and then moving the blood back to ...
  18. A feeling of fullness in the abdomen.  This may occur if we have eaten too much or if there is too much wind in the gut, but sometimes these feelings can occur with normal amounts of gut contents if the gut is oversensitive.