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blitzed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blitzed, past participle; blitzes, 3rd person singular present; blitzing, present participle; blitzed, past tense;
  1. Attack or damage (a place or building) in a blitz
    • - news came that Rotterdam had been blitzed
    • - organizations blitzed Capitol Hill with mailgrams and postcards
  2. Attack (the passer) in a blitz

  1. Completely inebriated
  2. (Blitzing) a play where the defensive team sends extra players rushing towardsthe line of scrimmage as soon as the ball is snapped to try to sack thequarterback.
  3. (adj) very drunk or intoxicated. Synonyms: inebriated, intoxicated, drunk. Freq: occasional. Cindy was blitzed the other night; she almost passed out before I could take her home.