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blip 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blips, plural;
  1. (of an electronic device) Make a short high-pitched sound or succession of sounds

  2. Open (the throttle of a motor vehicle) momentarily

  1. A short high-pitched sound made by an electronic device

  2. A flashing point of light on a radar screen representing an object, typically accompanied by a high-pitched sound

  3. An unexpected, minor, and typically temporary deviation from a general trend
    • - an upward blip in house prices
  4. A brief segment, esp. of a telecast
    • - the media fire unrelated blips of information at us
    • - the blips on the evening news

  1. a sudden minor shock or meaningless interruption; "the market had one bad blip today"; "you can't react to the day-to-day blips"; "renewed jitters in the wake of a blip in retail sales"
  2. a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface
  3. A blip is an onomatopoeic English noun used to refer a small dot registered on electronic equipment, such as radar or oscilloscope screens, or an electronically generated single-pitch sound. ...
  4. Blips is an acronym for Bond Linked Issue Premium Structure, or Bond Linked Investment Premium Strategy. It is a type of tax shelter involving investors who take out bank loans which the government considers illegitimate. These loans are then shifted to partnerships to claim tax losses.
  5. (Blips (TV series)) Blips is a British children's television series from Ragdoll Productions, which first aired on CITV (on ITV1) in 2004 and returned for a second series in 2005. It starred Robin Stevens as Mr. Perfect and Patricia Routledge as the narrator. ...
  6. (BLIPPING) The process of posting a “Blip” (using, which automatically posts the details of a members credit card purchases on the Internet to immediately share with their friends and others. (e.g. Joe spent $10.09 at Starbucks on Rt. 41 at 12.21pm for a moccha latte.”).
  7. something very good. Ex., "That's a blip"; "She's a blip."
  8. To race an engine intermittently with repeated short bursts on the accelerator.
  9. A temporary increase in viral load in someone whopreviously had undetectable virus and who later returns to havingundetectable virus. The viral load during a blip is usually low (50 to500 copies/mL). See Also: Undetectable Viral Load (UDVL)
  10. Spot on cathode-ray tube screen indicating radar function.
  11. this can mean lots of things to lots of people, but when you’re in motorcycle company it means quickly revving, then releasing the throttle.
  12. 1. An argument;  2. A derogatory reference toward a short, incomplete, or underdeveloped argument.
  13. a blip can refer to a music or video clip which a user has posted via the popular media hosting sites, and
  14. Telepath who refuses to join Psi Corps or take sleepers. Usually imprisoned. (314)
  15. the narrow point on a semi-locking clip's ramp.
  16. Any five cent piece, especially the U.S. copper nickel (nickel) five cent piece. (Reportedly originated around 1890 and is a variation of [blin] Russian “blin-ˆe which means “a thin pancake.”)
  17. Snapping the throttle quickly, as in "blip the throttle".
  18. A brief interruption of sound on a program or tape; to interrupt or delete sound, as in blipping an expletive from a TV program.
  19. A Blip is a single, very discrete message within the conversation/ Wave. Using the previous example a Blip could be ''s it going Rachel..?'. A Blip can handle other forms of media attached to the Blip, i.e. other conversations, film clips, images or even file attachments. ...
  20. (Benildean Lifestyle, Interests and People) is the official features magazine of the college, which showcases the life and interests of Benildeans. First published in 2004, it tackles fashion, travel, and other topics.
  21. This is an even smaller part of Wavelet, Blip is a message, in a wavelet. This is the same with the first lines while you're doing the conversation via IM. May contain other blips blips called with children. ...