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blintzes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (blintze) blintz: (Judaism) thin pancake folded around a filling and fried or baked
  2. A blintz, blintze, or blin (plural: blintzes, blini, or blinchiki; блин blin, блины (pl.); cf. Lithuanian: Blynai, blynai; bliny; млинці, mlyntsi; Yiddish: בלינצע blintze, Kashubian language: plińce) is a thin pancake. ...
  3. (Blintzing) folding the four corners of a square to the center
  4. Not to be confused with the German war machine. Can you imagine the NJ Post 1939 headlines:"Germans drop tons of cheese and blueberry blintzes over Poland - shortage of sour cream expected." Basically this is the Jewish answer to crepe Suzette.
  5. Pancake, usually spread with cream cheese or, jam or strawberries rolled within a thin dough pancake.