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blinker 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blinkers, plural;
  1. Put blinders on (a horse)

  2. Cause (someone) to have a narrow or limited outlook on a situation
    • - college education blinkers researchers so that they see poverty in terms of their own specialization
  1. A device that blinks, esp. a vehicle's turn signal

  1. a light that flashes on and off; used as a signal or to send messages
  2. put blinders on (a horse)
  3. a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn
  4. winker: blind consisting of a leather eyepatch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side
  5. The lighting system of a motor vehicle consists of lighting and signalling devices mounted or integrated to the front, sides, rear, and in some cases the top of the vehicle. ...
  6. Blinders, also known as blinkers or winkers, are a piece of horse tack that restrict the horse's vision to the rear and, in some cases, to the side. They usually are made of leather or plastic cups that are placed on either side of the eyes, either attached to a bridle or to an independent hood. ...
  7. Something that blinks, as the turn signal of an automobile; Eye shields attached to a hood for horses, to prevent them from seeing backwards and partially sideways; Whatever obstructs sight or discernment: WikiQuote; Eyelid; In Conway's Game of Life, an arrangement of three cells in a row that ...
  8. (blinkered) Characterized by blinkers or blinders; Having tunnel vision; unable to see what is happening around one
  9. (blinkers) A pair of leather or rubber eye cups attached to a horse hood in order to impede the rear vision of racehorses and harness horses; blinders in (USA); A kind of goggles, used to protect the eyes from glare, dust, etc
  10. (Blinkers) This is a type of hood that fits over a horse’s head to prevent the horse from seeing sideways and helps it concentrate its attention ahead during a race.
  11. (Blinkers) A common piece of racing equipment that contains eye cups which limit a horse's vision and prevent distraction.
  12. (Blinkers) n. Street slang for eyes, as in, "Screw with me again and I'll pop your blinkers."
  13. (Blinkers) Horses that are easily distracted while racing are normally fitted with blinkers, this prevents them from seeing anything other than the Racecourse ahead of them.
  14. (blinkers) Flaps on the bridle that keep a horse from seeing to the side or back.
  15. (Blinkers) Headpiece or blinders restricting side vision of horse.
  16. (Blinkers) A piece of equipment that goes over the horse’s head to restrict it’s vision and help it concentrate in a race.
  17. (Blinkers) A form of headgear which prevents a horse looking either left or right. Sometimes called 'blinds'.
  18. (BLINKERS) Device to limit a horse's vision to prevent him from swerving from objects or other horses on either side of him.
  19. (Blinkers) A pair of cups that are worn on the side of a horses head near their eyes that limits their vision. This keeps the animals from becoming distracted by things around them.
  20. (BLINKERS) A device to prevent a horse from having sideways vision and keep its attention to what's in front of it.
  21. (BLINKERS) UK railway slang for smoke deflectors. (PRC)
  22. (Blinkers) (sometimes called winkers). Curved leather shields fastened to the bridle behind a horse’s eye to prevent him seeing behind him. Used, unnecessarily, in the Army until 1853.
  23. (Blinkers) A hood made of fabric, with cups sewn onto the eye openings. The hood is fitted to the horse's head. The cups force the horse to look straight ahead, removing any visual distractions during races.
  24. (Blinkers) A hood with plastic cups surrounding the eye holes that restrict visibility, helping the horse to focus on what lies ahead by eliminating distractions from the sides.
  25. (Blinkers) A hood worn by a horse to restrict his peripheral vision on either side.