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blinked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blinks, 3rd person singular present; blinked, past tense; blinked, past participle; blinking, present participle;
  1. Shut and open the eyes quickly
    • - she blinked, momentarily blinded
    • - he blinked his eyes nervously
  2. Clear (dust or tears) from the eyes by this action
    • - she blinked away her tears
  3. Try to control or prevent (tears) by such an action
    • - Elizabeth blinked back tears
  4. Look at (someone or something) with one's eyes opening and shutting, typically to register surprise or bewilderment
    • - Lucy blinked at him, scarcely able to believe her ears
  5. React to (something) with surprise or disapproval
    • - he doesn't blink at the unsavory aspects of his subject
  6. Back down from a confrontation
    • - the government blinked in the face of a coordinated public sector strike
  7. (of a light or light source) Shine intermittently or unsteadily
    • - the icon for his e-mail was blinking

  1. (blinking) closing the eyes intermittently and rapidly; "he stood blinking in the bright sunlight"
  2. (blinking) bally(a): informal intensifiers; "what a bally (or blinking) nuisance"; "a bloody fool"; "a crashing bore"; "you flaming idiot"
  3. Blinking is the voluntary rapid closing and opening of the eyelid. It is an essential function of the eye that helps spread tears across and remove irritants from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. ...
  4. (blinking) That or who blinks or blink; Bloody (in the coarse slang sense)
  5. (Blinking) Also called b-linking” or b’linking. This is a synonym of blog hopping, or moving from blog to blog by clicking on the links on the page, often links found on the sidebar.
  6. (Blinking) Acknowledgment of the location of game then turning away, avoiding contact, continuing in the quartering pattern.
  7. (Blinking) Before the 32-bit era, consoles had no ability to make sprites translucent (partially transparent). Games would try to replicate the effect by flashing the sprite visible and invisible on alternating frames, or by doing similar things to produce other effects. ...
  8. (Blinking) Dog smells bird, then shies away from it.  Afraid of the bird it smells.  Purposely avoids birds.
  9. (Blinking) Modification of a loran transmission, so that a fluctuation in display indicates incorrect operation.
  10. (Blinking) Should the photographer notice that a member of the wedding party or guest has been seen to blink, the photograph will be taken again but it is impossible to guarantee to see all of them.
  11. (blinking) In astronomical image processing, a method for comparing two similar but different images wherein a display is switched between the two images in rapid succession. Spatial differences appear to move back and forth, while intensity differences pulsate. ...