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blimey 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to express one's surprise, excitement, or alarm,
  1. Used to express one's surprise, excitement, or alarm

  1. A minced oath (also pseudo-profanity or by-word) is an expression based on a profanity that has been altered to reduce the objectionable characteristics of the original expression, for example, darn or dang instead of damn; Crap, shoot or shucks instead of shit; heck instead of hell; flipping, ...
  2. Expressing anger, surprise, excitement, etc
  3. (informal) – An expression of surprise, as in “Blimey! I didn’t expect to see you here!”. This comes from gor blimey, a very old English term meaning “God blind me”.
  4. (Brit.) 19th-century corruption of the oath, 'God blind me'.
  5. an interjection or exclamation, derived as a reduction of God blind me!; also expressed as gorblimey
  6. expl. A nice mild expletive, blimey is (in terms of rudeness) on a par with "wow" or "my goodness". It is apparently a contraction of "god blind me" which in turn is an abbreviated version of "may god blind me if it is not so". ...
  7. Or sometimes 'cor blimey'. An abbreviation of 'God Blind Me' used to express shock. Mostly used for comedic effect due to being archaic.
  8. means ‘wow!’ Actually, this is more popular among the Scottish. I haven’t heard any Brits say it.
  9. is a Cockney expletive known since the 19th century, short for Gorblimey, which is from God blind me.
  10. exhortation of surprise
  11. A strong swear word or exclamation.
  12. Krazytangerines97 8 months ago
  13. you are surprised by something