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blesses 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blessing, present participle; blesses, 3rd person singular present; blessed, past tense; blessed, past participle;
  1. (of a priest) Pronounce words in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favor upon; ask God to look favorably on
    • - he blessed the dying man and anointed him
  2. Consecrate (something) by a religious rite, action, or spoken formula

  3. (esp. in Christian Church services) Call (God) holy; praise (God)

  4. (of God or some notional higher power) Endow (someone) with a particular cherished thing or attribute
    • - God has blessed us with free will
  5. Express or feel gratitude to; thank
    • - she silently blessed the premonition which had made her pack her best dress
  6. Make the Christian gesture of the sign of the cross
    • - the poor parson, blessing himself, brought up the rear
  7. Used in expressions of surprise, endearment, gratitude, etc
    • - bless my soul, Alan, what are you doing?
    • - Lenore, bless her heart, had done just that