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blench 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blenches, 3rd person singular present; blenched, past tense; blenched, past participle; blenching, present participle;
  1. Make a sudden flinching movement out of fear or pain
    • - he blenched and struggled to regain his composure

  1. pale: turn pale, as if in fear
  2. Roger Blench (1953) is a British linguist, ethnomusicologist and development anthropologist. He has an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and remains based in Cambridge, England. He actively researches and publishes, although he works as a private consultant rather than in academia.
  3. to flinch
  4. A tenure by payment of some small household or domestic article.
  5. Verb: To start aside, flinch.