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blasted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to express annoyance,
  1. Used to express annoyance
    • - make your own blasted coffee!
  2. Withered or blighted; laid waste
    • - an area of blasted trees
  3. Drunk
    • - the waiter kept bringing us free cocktails; so I got really blasted

  1. expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he's a blasted idiot"; "it's a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"; "he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "an infernal ...
  2. (blasting) causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin; "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit"; "the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces"; "a ruinous war"
  3. (blasting) blaring: unpleasantly loud and penetrating; "the blaring noise of trumpets"; "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio"
  4. Blasted is a shoot 'em up arcade game released by Bally Midway in 1988. Using your high-powered scope rifle, shoot cyborgs who have invaded an apartment complex, but be careful not to shoot the tenants or get hit by return fire. ...
  5. Rock blasting is the controlled use of explosives to excavate or remove rock. It is a technique used most often in mining and civil engineering such as dam construction.
  6. Which has been subjected to an explosion; Accursed; damned; Whose branches bear no leaves; leafless; Damned; extremely
  7. (blastedly) In a blasted way; damnably, confoundedly
  8. (blastment) A sudden strike or injury; a pernicious thing
  9. (Blasting) A marked increase in amplitude distortion due to overloading the capacity of some part of a sound-reproducing system; e.g., attempt to exceed 100% depth of modulation in a radio transmitter, or break of continuity in carbon granules in a carbon transmitter. ...
  10. (Blasting (Blast Cleaning)) A process for cleaning or finishing metal objects by use of an air blast or centrifugal wheel that throws abrasive particles against the surface of the work pieces. ...
  11. (Blasting) A pressurised stream of particlulates (ceramic, plastic, metal, , etc.) applied on a surface to clean, peen or abrade.
  12. (Blasting) Drill and blast at the designated slope lines according to the blasting plan.
  13. (Blasting) Excessive volume resulting in distortion.
  14. (Blasting) Extra toner around printed characters or graphics, in an area that should be white.
  15. (Blasting) Sending the bad guys energy from your heart chakra, often using a Succor Punch or Powerwand
  16. (Blasting) Shorten term used for sand blasting, a technique of etching and carving glass using an abrasive under pressure.
  17. (Blasting) Technique to break ore in an underground or open-pit mine.
  18. (Blasting) The operation of breaking ore by boring a hole in it, inserting an explosive charge and detonating or firing it.
  19. (Blasting) The process of loosening rock or hard-packed material with explosives.
  20. (blasting (welding)) The [L], PO > signer moves back and forth aimed at the palm of NDH with squinted eyes and blowing between lips as if a lot of pressure is being exerted.
  21. (blasting) A symptom of plant disease characterized by shedding of unopened buds; classically, the failure to produce fruit or seed. (20)
  22. When a tree is leafless it is said to be blasted.
  23. Leafless, applied to Trees, same as blighted.
  24. When you get pulled very hard by the kite and blasts of water obscure the kiteboarder from onlookers momentarily.
  25. To be drug induced to the point where you can hardly walk or speak.