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blasphemies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blasphemies, plural;
  1. The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk
    • - he was detained on charges of blasphemy
    • - screaming incomprehensible blasphemies

  1. (blaspheme) curse: utter obscenities or profanities; "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"
  2. (blaspheme) speak of in an irreverent or impious manner; "blaspheme God"
  3. Blasphemy is irreverence toward holy personages, religious artifacts, customs, and beliefs. The Abrahamic religions condemn blasphemy vehemently. Some countries have laws to punish blasphemy, while others have laws to give recourse to those who are offended by blasphemy. ...
  4. (blaspheme) Things said against the Church or God; To commit blasphemy; to speak against God or religious doctrine
  5. (blaspheme) Speak evil of God, or deny that he has done something good, or to credit someone else to being God.
  6. in turn provides an additional how-to on the firm start of Predators. Blasphemies describes both alternate views on Forsaken history and spiritual understanding, as well as how the spirits, hosts, and bale hounds operate in public and private society.