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blanketed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blanketed, past participle; blanketed, past tense; blanketing, present participle; blankets, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cover completely with a thick layer of something
    • - the countryside was blanketed in snow
  2. Stifle or keep quiet (sound)
    • - the double glazing blankets the noise a bit
  3. Take wind from the sails of (another craft) by passing to windward

  1. covered with (or as if with) a blanket
  2. Blanketing is interference caused by strong radio signals. Although the spectral mask of a radio station's transmitter suppresses spurious emissions on other frequencies in the band, being extremely close to a station may allow them to still be strong enough to cause significant interference. ...
  3. (Blanketing) that limiting phenomenon in the cavitation field in which the density of the bubble cloud is such that no further cavitation takes place when additional energy is introduced (analgous to the phenomenon at the temperature of thermal boiling, above which no further change of state ...
  4. (Blanketing) Term meaning to cover the surface of a wine with an inert gas to exclude oxygen; also called inert gas blanketing.
  5. Weak highs, as if a blanket were put over the speakers.