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blanches 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blanched, past participle; blanches, 3rd person singular present; blanching, present participle; blanched, past tense;
  1. Make white or pale by extracting color; bleach
    • - the cold light blanched her face
  2. Whiten (a plant) by depriving it of light
    • - blanch endive by covering plants with large flowerpots
  3. (of a person) Grow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion
    • - many people blanch at the suggestion
    • - their faces blanched with fear
  4. Prepare (vegetables) for freezing or further cooking by immersing briefly in boiling water

  5. Peel (almonds) by scalding them
    • - blanched almonds

  1. (blanch) pale: turn pale, as if in fear
  2. (blanch) cook (vegetables) briefly; "Parboil the beans before freezing them"
  3. (Blanch (medical)) When skin is blanched, it takes on a whitish appearance as blood flow to the region is prevented. This occurs during and is the basis of the physiologic test known as diascopy.
  4. (Blanche (band)) Blanche is an American alternative country band from Detroit, Michigan. Their music is based in Americana, early country and folk blues with a touch of haunting Southern Gothic stylings and garage rock mentality. ...
  5. (Blanche (given name)) Blanche is a feminine given name. It means "white" in French, derived from the Late Latin word "blancus" , which is itself of Germanic origin, one of a number of words designating colours - others are words for "grey" (German "greis" meaning "grey-haired", French "gris") ...
  6. (Blanche (Paris Métro)) Blanche is a station of the Paris Métro, serving Line 2 on the border of the 9th and the 18th arrondissement. The station is located under the Boulevard de Clichy in Montmartre.
  7. (blanch) ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals; To grow or become white; as, his cheek blanched with fear; the rose blanches in the sun; To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair; To avoid, as from fear; to evade; to leave ...
  8. (Blanche) A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Emanuel Blanche (1824-1908)
  9. (Blanch) To cook raw ingredients in boiling water briefly. Blanched vegetables are generally “shocked” i.e. plunged immediately and briefly into an ice water bath to stop the cooking process and preserve color and crunch.
  10. (Blanch) To immerse in rapidly boiling water and allow to cook slightly.
  11. To blanch food immerse fruit or vegetable in boiling water for a minute or so, remove and place in a bowl of ice water. This is often used before freezing fruits or vegetables. Or you can blanch a fruit or vegetable such as tomatoes or peaches to remove their skins.
  12. (Blanch) To place food into boiling water for a brief time to preserve color, texture and nutritional value or to remove skin (vegetables, fruits, nuts).
  13. (Blanch) To put food in boiling water to remove skin.
  14. (blanch) to plunge some foods into boiling water for less than a minute and immediately plunge into iced water. This is to brighten the colour of some vegetables; to remove skin from tomatoes and nuts.
  15. (Blanch) to cook by immersing in or pouring boiling water over food, then draining and rinsing in cold water
  16. (Blanch) Peeling by dropping into boiling water for a few seconds to loosen the skin.
  17. (Blanch) dip food briefly in boiling water, then in cold water, usually to aid the removal of skin
  18. (Blanch) To boil briefly to loosen the skin of a fruit or a vegetable. After 30 seconds in boiling water, the fruit or vegetable should be plunged into ice water to stop the cooking action, and then the skin easily slices off.
  19. (Blanch) To scald, make white, to partially cook an item, to place fruits or nuts in boiling water to remove the skins, or to dip vegetables in boiling water in preparation for freezing, canning, or drying
  20. (Blanch) To scald quickly; e.g. pouring boiling water over almonds to loosen skins.
  21. (Blanch) A method of cooking in which foods are plunged into boiling water for a few seconds, removed from the water and refreshed under cold water, which stops the cooking process. Used to heighten color and flavor, to firm flesh and to loosen skins.
  22. (blanch) To remove the outer skins of fruit or nuts. Blanching is normally done by placing the fruit, such as peaches, or nuts in hot or boiling water for about 1 minute, then immediately put in cold water to stop the cooking process. The skins are then easily removed.
  23. (Blanch) To boil for a short time in water.
  24. (Blanch) To immerse foods briefly in boiling water followed by a quick cooling in cold water. Used to remove skins, to preserve vegetables for freezing and to brighten vegetable colours.
  25. (Blanch) To briefly boil a food item.