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bladders 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bladders, plural;
  1. A membranous sac in humans and other animals, in which urine is collected for excretion

  2. Anything inflated and hollow
    • - an air bladder in the arch and collar of the shoe
  3. An inflated fruit or vesicle in various plants
    • - a dried bladder of seaweed

  1. (bladder) a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas)
  2. (bladder) a bag that fills with air
  3. (The bladder) In anatomy, the urinary bladder is the organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination. A hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, the bladder sits on the pelvic floor. Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra.
  4. (bladder) A flexible sac that can expand and contract and that holds liquids or gases; Specifically, the urinary bladder; A hollow, inflatable organ of a plant; The inflatable bag inside various balls used in sports, such as footballs and rugby balls; A sealed, plastic bag that contains wine ...
  5. (Bladder) sac-like structure.  Often used to refer to the urinary bladder, which holds the urine until it is passed to the outside of the body through the act of urination.
  6. The bladder keeps the fuel from spilling and catching fire in the case of a rear impact.
  7. (Bladder) The muscular bag in the lower abdomen where urine is stored. During urination the bladder contracts to force urine out.
  8. (Bladder) The body organ in which urine is stored.
  9. (BLADDER) An inflatable air bag placed inside a kayak to provide greater buoyancy in the event of a capsize.
  10. (bladder) a triangle-shaped, hollow organ located in the lower abdomen that holds urine. It is held in place by ligaments that are attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. The bladder's walls relax and expand to store urine, and contract and flatten to empty urine through the urethra.
  11. (Bladder) the organ where urine collects before being passed out of the body.
  12. (Bladder) The balloon shaped organ inside the pelvis that holds urine.
  13. (bladder) The organ that stores urine.
  14. (bladder) (BLAD-ur) — Where your body holds urine.
  15. (BLADDER) The muscular sac which receives urine from the kidneys, stores it, and ultimately works to remove it from the body during urination.
  16. The urinary bladder is a hollow, muscular organ, lined with a mucous membrane, which acts as a storage receptacle for urine, which it receives from the kidneys via the ureters
  17. (bladder) A hollow, distensible organ with muscular walls that stores urine and expels it through the urethra.
  18. (BLADDER) A flexible diaphragm normally used in an accumulator as a barrier between fluids and gases.
  19. (BLADDER) An organ of the urinary system located in the pelvis just behind the pubic bone, can rupture in motion injuries when full.
  20. (BLADDER) large, heavy-duty, rubberized, collapsible drum ranging from 2,000 to 50,000 gallons for POL products; also called "bowser". See BLIVET, JERRY CAN, DONKEY DICK, PETROL, JUICE, HOT-FUELING, TOP-OFF; compare POD, WATER BUFFALO, LISTER BAG.
  21. (Bladder) A closed-end, thick rubber, cylindrical shaped piece that contains the nitrogen gas in a rear shock. The bladder works like an extra cushion on HSC.
  22. (Bladder) A hollow bag which can be inflated. In some instances, Fuel tanks will become rusty inside. A possible cure is to install a bladder. This is done by Flushing out the rust chips, applying an acid solution to remove any oil/gas residue, and Coating the inside with a plastic Compound. ...
  23. (Bladder) A large, rubber, inflatable container used in the tyre molding and curing process of tyre production.
  24. (Bladder) A pouch or other flexible enclosure with waterproof or gasproof walls.
  25. (Bladder) A pouch within a Buoyancy Compensator which holds the amount of air the diver desires to provide proper buoyancy.