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blackness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. black: the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
  2. total darkness: total absence of light; "they fumbled around in total darkness"; "in the black of night"
  3. Blackness is the degree to which an individual has, expresses, or acknowledges their ancestral, physical, cultural, and social ties to Black people of African descent.
  4. In typography, type color refers to the weight or boldness of a typeface and is used by designers and typographers to describe the visual tone of a mass of text on a page. The type color of a particular typeface affects the amount of ink on the page, also known as its blackness. ...
  5. The state, property or quality of being black; The result or product of being black
  6. The apparent darkness of type as it appears on the page. Blackness depends on the boardness of the parts of the letter (boldness), as well as on the x-height and set.