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blackmails 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blackmailed, past tense; blackmails, 3rd person singular present; blackmailing, present participle; blackmailed, past participle;
  1. Demand money from (a person) in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person
    • - trying to blackmail him for $400,000
  2. Force (someone) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings
    • - he had blackmailed her into sailing with him

  1. Blackmail is the act of threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met. This information is usually of an embarrassing, socially damaging, and/or incriminating nature. ...
  2. (Blackmailed (1951 film)) Blackmailed is a 1951 British drama film directed by Marc Allégret and starring Mai Zetterling, Dirk Bogarde, Fay Compton and Robert Flemyng. It was adapted from a novel by Elizabeth Myers and was also released as Mrs Christopher.