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blackguard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blackguards, plural;
  1. Abuse or disparage (someone) scurrilously

  1. A person, particularly a man, who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible way

  1. cad: someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"
  2. ridicule: subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"
  3. abuse: use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher"
  4. (blackguardly) rascally: lacking principles or scruples; "the rascally rabble"; "the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy" - W.M. Thackaray; "the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew"
  5. Blackguard is folk/melodic death metal from Montréal, Québec previously known as Profugus Mortis.
  6. This is a list of prestige classes in the 3rd edition of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. This list includes content for both the original 3rd edition and the 3.5 revision.
  7. (Blackguardly) The Black Guard (in Arabic, '''' عبد, from a root meaning "slave") were the corps of black-African slave-soldiers assembled by the Alaouite sultan of Morocco, Moulay Ismail (reigned 1672–1727). ...
  8. A scoundrel; an unprincipled contemptible person; an untrustworthy person
  9. a man who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible way.
  10. A shabby, mean fellow