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blacked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blacked, past participle; blacks, 3rd person singular present; blacking, present participle; blacked, past tense;
  1. Make black, esp. by the application of black polish
    • - blacking the prize bull's hooves
  2. Make (one's face, hands, and other visible parts of one's body) black with polish or makeup, so as not to be seen at night or, esp. formerly, to play the role of a black person in a musical show, play, or movie
    • - white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians

  1. (blacking) shoe polish: a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
  2. (Blacking (polish)) Shoe polish (or boot polish), usually a waxy paste or a cream, is a consumer product used to polish, shine, waterproof, and restore the appearance of leather shoes or boots, thereby extending the footwear's life. ...
  3. (Blacking) Carbonaceous material for coating mold or core surfaces.
  4. (Blacking) The coating on the hull below gunwale level, usually based on bitumen or similar. Usually recoated every two or three years.
  5. (blacking) Carbonaceous materials, such as graphite or powdered carbon, usually mixed with a binder and frequently carried in suspension in water or other liquid used as a thin facing applied to surfaces of molds or cores to improve casting finish.
  6. (blacking) shoe or boot polish. As a child Dickens was employed at Warren's Blacking factory.
  7. when a man suspected of union activity is sacked and his name is forwarded to other colliery owners