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blackberries 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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blackberries, plural;
  1. Gather blackberries in the wild

  1. An edible soft fruit, consisting of a cluster of soft purple-black drupelets

  2. The prickly climbing shrub of the rose family that bears this fruit and that grows extensively in the wild

  1. (blackberry) pick or gather blackberries; "The children went blackberrying"
  2. (blackberry) large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
  3. (blackberry) bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle
  4. The blackberry is an edible fruit produced by any of several species in the Rubus genus of the Rosaceae family. The fruit is not a true berry; botanically it is termed an aggregate fruit. The plants typically have biennial canes and perennial roots. ...
  5. (Blackberry (operating system)) BlackBerry OS is a proprietary mobile operating system, developed by Research In Motion for its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices. ...
  6. (Blackberry (rabbit)) This is a list of characters in Watership Down, a 1972 novel by Richard Adams. The majority also appear in the 1978 feature film adaptation and/or 1996 follow-up collection of short stories.
  7. (blackberry) A fruit-bearing shrub of the genus Rubus; The soft fruit borne by this shrub, formed of a black (when ripe) cluster of drupelets; In some parts of England, the blackcurrant
  8. (Blackberry) a small bubble or blister in the flood coating of a gravel-surfaced roof membrane
  9. ‘Blackberry' is a brand of hand held devices allowing users mobile e-mails and phone calls.
  10. BlackBerry is a two-way wireless device, made by Waterloo, that allows users to check e-mail and voice mail (translated into text), as well as to page other users via a wireless network service. Also known as a RIM device, it has a miniature qwerty keyboard for users to type their messages. ...
  11. (Blackberry) All-in-one phone and messaging solution provided by the company Research In Motion (RIM).
  12. (BlackBerry) UberTwitter, Twibble, TwitterBerry, TinyTwitter
  13. (BlackBerry) complete wireless solution for always connected email where the network ‘pushes’ your email to your device.
  14. (Blackberry) A Former frontrunner in the mobile computing arena
  15. (Blackberry) A clever buck rabbit with characteristically black-tipped ears. He is the often capable of understanding concepts that the other rabbits find incomprehensible. He realises, for instance, that wood floats, and the rabbits use this twice to traverse on water. ...
  16. (Blackberry) A common descriptor for the smell or taste in young Zinfandels.
  17. (Blackberry) A handheld device that functions as a cellular phone, personal organizer, wireless Internet browser, speakerphone, long-range digital walkie-talkie, and mini-laptop. Can be used to send and receive e-mail and text messages.
  18. (Blackberry) A mobile phone with 'always on' data services functionality to receive your emails. Operates on the GPRS network.
  19. (Blackberry) Also called "bramble," these are the largest of the wild berries, up to 1 inch long when mature. Look for plump, deep colored berries without hulls. (If hulls are present, the berries were picked too early and will be tart.)
  20. (Blackberry) Brandname for small (handheld size) computer which runs Window 98 or Windows NT and supports wireless communication. For an example of a Blackberry, click here.
  21. (Blackberry) It’s a phone for people who write instead of talk. If your wife is still alive buy her one. Maybe she’ll stop talking so much. You can’t make juice from it.
  22. (Blackberry) Neat little device from Research in Motion that allows one to access emails whilst on the move. Given the impact it has on users it is sometimes referred to as a crackberry.
  23. (Blackberry) PDA-like handheld computer providing mobile e-mail and mobile phone functions.
  24. (Blackberry) This is a brand of phones created by Research in Motion (also known as RIM), it still has a significant market share but is a very different type of Smartphone to the iOS and Android devices both in terms of screen orientation/resolution and software processes, often something that ...
  25. (Blackberry) a cutting edge communication tool that allows the user to access Internet, cellular, and email from the same device.