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biweekly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Appearing or taking place every two weeks or twice a week,
  1. Appearing or taking place every two weeks or twice a week
    • - a biweekly bulletin
    • - she followed her doctor's instructions to undergo health checks biweekly
  1. A periodical that appears every two weeks or twice a week

  1. fortnightly: occurring every two weeks
  2. semiweekly: twice a week; "he called home semiweekly"
  3. a periodical that is published twice a week or every two weeks (either 104 or 26 issues per year)
  4. Also known as accelerated mortgages. Biweeklies reduce interest expense and build home equity faster than monthly payments.
  5. There are 26 pay periods when an individual is paid bi-weekly (compare with “semi-monthly.”)
  6. A bi- weekly payment option offered by some loans allows you to pay your loan off quicker by paying every other week and as a result the mortgage is paid off in less time.
  7. once every two weeks; type of payroll period that can be used in the percentage of wage-bracket method of withholding
  8. once every two weeks, the billing cycle begins on the first day of the first week and ends on the last day of the second week
  9. You will pay one half of the monthly payment every two weeks. In essence, you are making one extra monthly payment per year, causing your mortgage to be paid off more quickly.
  10. Every 2 weeks (26 times in a year).