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bits 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bits, plural;
  1. Put a bit into the mouth of (a horse)

  2. Restrain
    • - my own hysteria was bitted by upbringing and respect
  1. A unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in binary notation

  1. (a bit) to a small degree; somewhat; "it's a bit warm"; "felt a little better"; "a trifle smaller"
  2. (bit) spot: a small piece or quantity of something; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper"; "a bit of lint"; "I gave him a bit of my mind"
  3. (bit) a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a bit of rock caught him in the eye"
  4. (bit) moment: an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "in a mo"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit"
  5. (bit) piece: an instance of some kind; "it was a nice piece of work"; "he had a bit of good luck"
  6. (bit) piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding; "the horse was not accustomed to a bit"
  7. Bits is the fourth and final album by Oxford Collapse. Two singles were released from the album, "The Birthday Wars" and "Young Love Delivers".
  8. A bit or binary digit is the basic unit of information in computing and telecommunications; it is the amount of information that can be stored by a digital device or other physical system that can usually exist in only two distinct states. ...
  9. (Bit (character)) This article covers notable characters of Tron and its various cinematic, literary, and video game adaptations and sequels.
  10. (Bit (horse)) A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of metal or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth of a horse or other equid and assists a rider in communicating with the animal. ...
  11. (Bit (money)) The word bit is a colloquial expression referring to specific coins in various coinages throughout the world.
  12. Bitry is the name or part of the name of the following communes in France: * Bitry, Nièvre, in the Nièvre department * Bitry, Oise, in the Oise department * Saint-Pierre-lès-Bitry, in the Oise department
  13. (bit) A piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to reins to direct the animal; A rotary cutting tool fitted to a drill, used to make holes; An eighth of a dollar. Note that there is no coin minted worth 12.5 cents. ...
  14. (Bit) One binary information element having the value ZERO or ONE.
  15. (Bit) Short for “Binary Digit.” All values in computer memory ultimately reduce to binary digits: values that are either zero or one. Groups of bits may be interpreted differently—as integers, floating-point numbers, character data, addresses of other memory objects, or other data. ...
  16. (Bit) The elementary constituent of digital information, the value of which can take only the forms 0 or 1. Bits are often measured by adding prefixes to signify a value. ...
  17. (Bit) stands for binary digit. It is the smallest possible unit of information making up a character or a word in digital code, and is represented as either “on” or “off” by the numbers “0″ or “1.” An electronic string of bits represents letters and symbols.
  18. (bit) A single unit of data, either a one or a zero, used in digital data communications. When discussing digital data a small "b" refers to bits, and a capital "B" refers to bytes.
  19. (bit) Binary digit in the binary numbering system. Its value can be 0 or 1. In an 8-bit character scheme, it takes 8 bits to make a byte (character) of data.
  20. (bit) Short for binary digit (0 or 1). Lower case b is used in abbreviations to distinguish it from bytes. For example, KBps (thousand bytes per second) is 8 times as great as Kbps (thousand bits per second).
  21. (BIT) The term applies to a role as an extra where the actor is asked to do something specific on camera for which there are no lines. As an example, if one were an extra acting as a doorman at a hotel, went up to a car, opened the door so an actor might exit, that would be doing a “bit.”
  22. (Bit) The old Mexican 8 reales silver coins, which circulated extensively in America in the 1700's and 1800's, was sometimes divided into sections. A "bit" was one eighth of the coin, "two bits" was one fourth. This is how our quarter dollar came to be known as Two Bits.
  23. (bit) A popular term for the Spanish-American 1real piece (also Danish West Indies and other neighboring islands) which formerly circulated in the United States. More often used in the plural, as two bits (25 cents) or four bits (50 cents). A bit is 12-1/2 cents.
  24. (Bit) Mouthpiece, made of metal but may be made of rubber or other manmade material and held in place by the bridle, by which the rider conveys instructions to the horse.
  25. (Bit) A contraction of binary digit, a bit is the smallest unit of information that a computer can hold. Eight bits is equivalent to a byte. The speed at which bits are transmitted or bit rate is usually expressed as bits per second or bps.