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bitchy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bitchier, comparative; bitchiest, superlative;
  1. (of a person's comments or behavior) Malicious or unpleasant
    • - bitchy remarks

  1. marked by or arising from malice; "a catty remark"
  2. (bitchiness) cattiness: malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty
  3. A bitch is a female canine. It is also a common English profanity for a woman that typically carries or misogynistic overtones—such as resemblance to a dog. It is also used to characterize someone who is belligerent and unreasonable, or displays rudely intrusive or aggressive behavior.
  4. (vulgar) spiteful or malevolent; catty; irritable
  5. (bitchier) comparative form of bitchy: more bitchy
  6. (bitchiness) The characteristic of being bitchy