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bistros 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bistros, plural;
  1. A small restaurant

  1. (bistro) a small informal restaurant; serves wine
  2. A bistro, sometimes spelled bistrot, is, in its original Parisian incarnation, a small restaurant serving moderately priced simple meals in a modest setting. Bistros are defined mostly by the foods they serve. Slow-cooked foods like braised meats are typical.
  3. (? (bistro)) ? is Belgrade's oldest traditional restaurant or tavern (kafana). Located at 6 Kralja Petra Street, the building is nearly 200 years old, and has become one of the city's landmarks. The cuisine served is traditional, and starogradska music is played.
  4. (Bistro (programming language)) The Bistro programming language is object oriented, dynamically typed, and reflective. ...
  5. (Bistro(t)) Often smaller than a restaurant and may use a chalk board or verbal menu. Many feature a regional cuisine. Notable dishes include coq au vin, pot-au-feu, confit de canard, calves' liver and entrecôte.^[5]
  6. (The Bistro) This is the dining hall in Callahan Hall.