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bisexual 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Sexually attracted to both men and women,
  1. Sexually attracted to both men and women

  2. Having characteristics of both sexes

  1. A person who is sexually attracted to both men and women

  1. sexually attracted to both sexes
  2. having an ambiguous sexual identity
  3. (bisexuality) androgyny: showing characteristics of both sexes
  4. (bisexuality) sexual activity with both men and women
  5. Bisexuality is a sexual behavior or an orientation involving physical or romantic attraction to both males and females. It is one of the three main classifications of sexual orientation, along with a heterosexual and a homosexual orientation. ...
  6. (bisexuality) Of a flower, the state of being bisexual; The state of being sexually or romantically attracted to members of either sex
  7. (Bisexuality) what we all have going psychically. For Freud, this meant that everyone is part passive (= female) and part active (= male), although later in his career he began to question those problematic traditional equations. ...
  8. (Bisexuality) An enduring romantic, emotional and/or sexual attraction toward people of all sexes. A person who identifies as bisexual may live in relationship with a partner of the other sex or of the same sex. ...
  9. (Bisexuality) Mirroring is the desire to find affirmation of a particular aspect of yourself in a particular sort of relationship. The romance contrary to your usual preference should be set aside initially in order to discern what sort of affirmation you may be seeking from this liaison.
  10. (Bisexuality) in human sexual behavior refers to the aesthetic, romantic, and sexual desire for both genders. For some writers, the term expresses a contrast with homosexuality and heterosexuality, while for others the term expresses a blend of the two.
  11. (bisexuality) Freud contends that all human beings are both physiologically and psychologically bisexual, although most people repress one part of their sexuality or another.
  12. Refers to a plant that contains male and female parts within the same flower.
  13. of a flower, with both stamens and carpels present and functional. cf. unisexual.
  14. a flower that has both a stamen and a pistil
  15. A term used to identify someone who has romantic and/or sexual feelings, attractions, and/or relationships with men and women, not necessarily at equal levels of attraction, and not necessarily simultaneously (a common stereotype). ...
  16. Both male and female reproductive parts occurring and functional in the same plant or structure (e.g., flower, spikelet, inflorescence). (see unisexual, pistillate, staminate, dioecious, monoecious)
  17. A person whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same and different genders.
  18. is used to indicate that a person is attracted to both men and women. Some describe bisexuality as an attraction to the qualities a person possesses rather than the gender of the person who possesses the qualities   . ...
  19. 1. In gametophytes, possessing both antheridia and oogonia or archegonia. 2. In sporophytes, possessing both microsporangia and megasporangia.
  20. having both sexes, as in a flower bearing both fertile anthers and a fertile ovary. cf. unisexual
  21. a person who is attracted to people regardless of their sex/gender. This is not to be confused with “swinging” or polyamory (having multiple concurrent partners). Bisexual people do not have to have “one of each”, but simply do not base their attractions on what sex a person is. ...
  22. Reproductive structure with both male and female equivalent parts (stamens and pistil in angiosperms; also called a perfect or complete flower); other terms widely used are hermaphrodite, monoclinous, and synoecious.
  23. A person who may be sexually or emotionally attracted to either men or women; woman who may relate sexually or emotionally to either men or woman.
  24. People who are attracted to people of both sexes. They may find sex ('physical gender') irrelevant and find something else more important in defining their attractions or they may be attracted to men for one reason and women for another.
  25. buy-SEX-yoo-uhl/ Pertaining to a type of organism in which two different sexes occur; (2) pertaining to an individual having both male and female sexual organs.