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bisects 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bisected, past participle; bisects, 3rd person singular present; bisecting, present participle; bisected, past tense;
  1. Divide into two parts
    • - a landscape of farmland bisected by long straight roads
  2. Divide (a line, angle, shape, etc.) into two equal parts

  1. (bisect) cut in half or cut in two; "bisect a line"
  2. (Bisect (philately)) Bisects and splits refer to postage stamps that have been cut in part, most commonly in half, but also other fractions, and postally used for the proportionate value of the entire stamp, such as a two cent stamp cut in half and used as a one cent stamp.
  3. (bisect) A bisector, which divides into two equal parts; An envelope, card, or fragment thereof showing an affixed cut half of a regular issued stamp, over which one or more postal markings have been applied. ...
  4. (Bisect) To divide into two equal parts.
  5. (Bisect) A stamp cut or perforated into two parts, each half representing half the face value of the original stamp. Officially authorized bisects have often been used during temporary shortages of commonly used denominations. ...
  6. (Bisect) A stamp which is cut in half, usually diagonally. Often used when stamps are in short supply.
  7. (Bisect) This means to cut in half. This is usually used in a geometrical context.
  8. (Bisect) a half of a stamp which has been cut in two, usually by scissors or knife, to cover the postage of half the original face value. Bisects are commonly found with diagonal cuts and horizontal cuts, but occasionally with vertical cuts as well. ...
  9. (bisect) A line transect which shows the vertical and lateral distribution of roots at the walls of a trench with the above-ground parts of plants along the verge.
  10. (bisect) DIVIDE (>) ONE-HALF, (<) ONE-HALF.