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birdseed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Any seed or blend of seed for feeding birds,
  1. Any seed or blend of seed for feeding birds

  1. bird feed: food given to birds; usually mixed seeds
  2. Bird food is food (often varieties of seeds) eaten by birds. Humans generally make or buy bird food to feed to pet birds or use in birdfeeders. Birdfood can be natural or commercial. The choice of what to use as birdfood depends on the species of bird being fed.
  3. Birdseed is an album by jazz saxophonist Lou Donaldson, his second recording for the Milestone label, featuring Donaldson with David Braham, Peter Bernstein, Fukushi Tainaka, and Ralph Dorsey.
  4. Seed, usually constituting a mixture from several species of plant, set out as food for birds