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birdlime 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A sticky substance spread on twigs to trap small birds,
  1. Spread with birdlime
    • - he birdlimed the branch
  2. Catch or trap with birdlime

  3. Entrap by clever deception; inveigle
    • - they were birdlimed by his slick line of flattery
  1. A sticky substance spread on twigs to trap small birds

  1. spread birdlime on branches to catch birds
  2. a sticky adhesive that is smeared on small branches to capture small birds
  3. Birdlime is an adhesive substance used in trapping birds. It is spread on a branch or twig, upon which a bird may land and be caught. Its use is illegal in many jurisdictions.
  4. (126) a kind of paste.