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birdcages 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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birdcages, plural;
  1. A cage for pet birds, typically made of wire or cane

  2. An object resembling such a cage
    • - the elevator was an elegant and gilded birdcage

  1. (birdcage) a cage in which a bird can be kept
  2. (Birdcage (Do Not Disturb)) Do Not Disturb (previously known as The Inn) is an American sitcom, which debuted as a Fall entry on Fox's primetime lineup on September 10, 2008. ...
  3. (The Birdcage) The Birdcage is a 1996 American comedy film directed by Mike Nichols, and stars Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Gene Hackman, Dianne Wiest, Dan Futterman, Calista Flockhart, Hank Azaria, and Christine Baranski. The script was written by Elaine May. ...
  4. (Birdcage) The facemask worn by linemen that feature extra horizontal and vertical bars.
  5. (BIRDCAGE) A cell, prison, or anything that compares to it.
  6. ("Birdcage") means an enclosure or place on a racecourse where horses are stabled, marshalled or paraded for events.
  7. (BIRDCAGE) A colloquialism descriptive of the appearance of a wire rope forced into compression. The outer strands form a cage and, at times, displace the core.
  8. (Birdcage) A wood form under the top of a tilt-top pedestal table that allows the top to turn.
  9. (Birdcage) Area where horses are paraded before entering the racetrack.
  10. (Birdcage) Hinged columnar mechanism used on tables which allows the top to revolve or tip vertically. Also known as a squirrel, this device was particularly popular on English and American.
  11. (Birdcage) The tilting mechanism on the underside of tables. It enables the surface to be dropped down when not in use.
  12. (Birdcage) football games glossary term for full facemask, typically worn by linemen. A must-have piece of equipment for this contact sport.
  13. (birdcage) mechanism allowing a table top to tilt and pivot.
  14. A birdcage is a stable or enclosure where horses are held on race day. Only authorised people are permitted in this area.